Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Technology Infused Classroom

Reflect on the idea of what a technology-infused classroom looks like. How do you plan to have a technology-infused classroom?
A technology-infused classroom can be achieved in any curricular area and for any grade level.  In order for a classroom to be considered technology-infused, the use of technology must be implemented as often as possible and using a variety of methods.  Technology use should be included in each stage of the teaching and learning that takes place in the classroom.  There are many ways to use technology in planning, direct instruction, practice, assessment, reflection, and remediation that may take place in the classroom.  Here are some ideas of ways that technology can be used in each of these areas:
One part of planning is identifying student needs.  One way of doing this quickly and effectively is using a diagnostic.  There are many online diagnostics available to educators or they can be personalized and created by a teacher using such programs as Google Docs.  A teacher can also use the internet in order to find information needed to make his/her lessons more effective or even find lesson plans that can be used.
Direct Instruction-
Direct instruction can be boring for some students and may be more difficult to keep their attention. However, using such tools as interactive whiteboards, PowerPoint presentations, or web/video conferencing is a way to incorporate visuals that are interesting to the students while still presenting the information they need to learn. 
Whether the practice of a new skill is done as guided practice or independent practice, technology use can make the practice much more effective.  A great way to get students to practice adequately is to allow them to use gaming methods.  There are a multitude of online games available for any curricular area. 
Assessment in the traditional form of testing can be done using technology such as online tests.  However, there are also many other opportunities for assessment to take place using a variety of tools.  Students can create a presentation highlighting what they have learned and present it to the class.  They can create a digital portfolio which can be used to assess student learning.  The options for ways that students can demonstrate understanding through the use of technology are endless.   
Reflection is a step in the learning process that is often overlooked because without the use of technology, it can be very tedious and time consuming.  However, by using a technology tool such as blogging, students and teachers can reflect on the learning experiences and engage in meaningful discussion. Using a digital portfolio is another great way to incorporate reflection as students must justify what selections are included.
Remediation is another step in the learning process that is often overlooked due to time constraints or a “majority rules” mentality.  If most students have mastered a skill, remediation for those that didn’t may seem unnecessary and therefore isn’t provided.  However, by using technology such as skill building software programs, differentiation is much easier. Students can work through the lessons at their own pace, getting remedial practice when needed. 

Since I am an online teacher, my “classroom” is obviously very technology-infused.  However, that doesn’t excuse me from trying to always implement new ways to incorporate new technology.  There are several goals that I have for doing this which include making video lessons for students, a classroom blog for discussion, and using programs like Study Island more in my class.  There is always room for improvement or increased implementation of technology as it continues to become more advanced and available. 

1 comment:

  1. A technology infused classroom is a bit like southern style sweet tea. The infusion of the sugars through a heat and dissolution process is so good that the taste is noticeable different than just adding sweeteners to tea. The infusion that is natural, allows students and teachers to work in a technology-rich learning environment without having to work at it. Teachers have to use classroom technologies as natural extensions of their instructional tools, just as the pencil is a natural extension of writing or the textbook is a natural part of the classroom. It takes practice and time to infuse technology into a classroom, where teachers and students use the tools naturally, rather than just adding technology to the teaching and learning process, because the technology is sitting there.

    To make my point view this video:

